Basic Guinea Pig Care

Guinea Pigs can live, if cared for correctly between 4- 8 years. Sometimes longer. They are endearing little creatures who love the company of their own kind and ideally should be kept in at least two’s.


Guinea pigs, like humans do not make their own vitamin c. Therefore their dry food mix needs to contain added vitamin c. Failure to feed the correct dry mix could lead to a vitamin deficiency. Do not be tempted to feed rabbit food as this does not contain vitamin c.
In addition to a dry mix, guinea pigs, who naturally graze all day, need a fresh supply of meadow hay each day.
Fresh vegetables should be offered each day. Guineas love carrots, celery, cucumber, kale, broccoli and their stalks, spring greens, cauliflour greens and some fruits. Washed dandelions and their leaves can also be offered.
However, please do not overfeed on too many greenfoods or fruits such as apple, and tomato should only be offered as a treat as this can upset a piggy tummy and cause a condition called scours- (diarrhoea). Fruits can also cause mouth sores and ulcers.

A hutch of approximately 3 feet wide by 18 inches in depth would be adequate for 2 guinea pigs. But if you have the space for a bigger hutch, then the more floor space the better. However, a nice garden run would be suitable for the warmer months in addition to a hutch, where the guineas could graze on untreated, chemical free grass, for an hour or 2 each day. However do not feed grass clippings as sometimes these can upset piggy tummys. Remember to buy an adequate sized hutch or indoor cage as guinea pigs will grow quickly and it needs to be a good size for when they are fully grown. During the winter months you should ideally have a shed or some where indoors where they can be housed, as cold, damp weather can cause respitory ailments, which in turn can lead to death.


Bowl (ceramic is best to stop guineas tipping it over)
Water bottle
Hidey hole
Tubes for hiding in
Hayrack to keep hay from being soiled
Newspapers to line hutch floor
Shavings(not sawdust as this causes respitory ailments)
Brush for grooming/nail clippers